“Discovering Likeness: Big Sur’s Resemblance to Deepin Linux – An Exploration by It’s FOSS”

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Is Deepin Linux Copying macOS? The Surprising Similarities Revealed

It’s no secret that Deepin Linux has long been known as a macOS look alike, but it appears that inspiration is now coming full circle. With the highly anticipated release of macOS Big Sur, it’s hard not to notice the striking similarities between it and the upcoming Deepin Linux version 20.

Don’t believe it? Take a look for yourself. The screenshot of macOS Big Sur shared by Apple at WWDC recently looks eerily similar to the desktop version 20 of Deepin.

Both operating systems feature a similar application window styling with rounded corners and a white background with blue accents. Even the dock or launcher at the bottom is nearly identical.

Interestingly enough, Apple’s new visual approach with macOS Big Sur includes larger icons with more spacing between them. This may be an attempt to make the operating system more touch-friendly and also brings a uniform look to all the operating systems in the Apple ecosystem.

Switching gears to Deepin Linux, the upcoming version 20 is absolutely stunning. The developers have clearly put a lot of emphasis on design. While it’s hard for non-designers to put it into technical terms, the new design has a clean and aesthetic look to it.

Take a look at some more screenshots of Deepin 20:

With Deepin Linux, you don’t have to go to great lengths to make your system look like macOS.

But here’s the real question – is Apple preparing to sue Deepin for “copying” their design? While it may be a possibility if Deepin were based in the US, as they are located in China, Apple likely won’t take any legal action against them.

Ultimately, it’s hard to say who is inspiring whom. As with Netflix’s popular show Dark, it appears that things are going full circle here as well.

But in the end, does it really matter if macOS looks like Deepin or vice versa? We thought it would be a fun little tidbit for our readers to read and smile about.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiKWh0dHBzOi8vaXRzZm9zcy5jb20vbWFjb3MtYmlnLXN1ci1kZWVwaW4v0gEA?oc=5

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